Training & Development Services
Tools for their toolboxes
Our training and employee development services are designed to help your organization maximize your staff's skills and performance, while developing a culture that facilitates employee retention. We provide tailored training programs to help your employees develop the skills needed to achieve success in your organization and contribute to its culture. We also provide coaching and mentoring services to help employees develop professionally and reach their full potential.
Visions offers a variety of training programs on a variety of topics, including: HR compliance, DEI, leadership and soft skills. Programs can be tailored to an organization’s specific needs including topic, duration, price and delivery (live, either in-person or virtually, or via online courses).
Most Popular Training Topics
Sexaul Harassment Prevention
Harassment Prevention Training (required annually by all NYS employees) with an experienced live trainer, participant materials, employee file training acknowledgment forms, and company master sign-in sheet
Supervisor HR Responsibilities
Supervisors, acting as agents of your company, need to be trained on their responsibilities and how to respond to 1st-level HR warning flags before the company becomes liable for their misactions
Workplace Communication
Our workplace communication training is designed to help you identify and address communication challenges, build stronger relationships, and increase overall productivity.
Diversity & Inclusion
Covering practical and thoughtful topics such as implicit biases, employee segmentation, adaptable workplace designs, the value of diversity in the workplace, and strategic planning
Our leadership training program is designed to provide practical, real-world techniques that are customized to your specific needs; with our help, your leaders will be equipped to navigate many challenges and lead your company to success.
Emerging HR Practitioner
Customized training to meet the unique needs of your entry-level HR practitioner. With hands-on experience and guidance from experienced HR professionals, this training will provide the skills and knowledge needed for an emerging HR professional to thrive in your company.
Performance Management
Experienced trainers work closely with your team to ensure that they have the tools and skills they need to improve their performance and achieve their full potential
Safety & Health
We provide compliance education to meet OSHA regulations and we also offer risk assessments to evaluate the safety of your work environment.
We routinely provide trainings outside of the ones presented here. If you have a training need not outlined on this page, don't hesitate to contact us to see what custom training we can develop for your team.
Visions Human Resource Services, LLC does not provide accounting, tax, or legal advice. Clients should always consult a qualified attorney or licensed professional regarding specific legal or tax questions.

Over 50 Years of Accumulated Expertise
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Investing in your employees is investing in your business. Whether you're looking to provide mandated training, improve communication leadership, or maximize technical skills, our workplace training programs have got you covered. Contact us today to learn more.